Polish Signature (Unikat) Boleslawiec
Stoneware / Pottery
"Kitchen & Bath Accessories - Soap Dishes & Soap /
Lotion Jars"
The Items below are "Unikat" or Signature Level
U4 or U3
products & are signed with the artist's name who designed
the piece |
To Order
Merchandise on Our Website Please Phone Us Toll Free 866-884-3299 or 610-695-8151
Real People will answer 10 to 5 Eastern Time Tue to Sat or
order by fax

After Hours Please leave a
message, your name and a phone number and time when we can call you back |
The finish and colors of these samples,
as shown on our website, show
approximate colors.
Because of the variation of coloring in digital photographing, and the
varying qualities of computer monitors, you should be
aware that there may be some color variance from these
screen samples to the actual finish sample. We have tried
to eliminate as many variables as possible to try to produce
colors and shades as close to the original as possible. |
On This Page You Will Find the Items
Listed Below - Either Scroll Down or Click on the listings below |
Soap /
Lotion Jars |
Soap Dishes |
Style 510 - Soap Dishes |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U4
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 674
Maryla Iwicka
$ 52.50
Sorry - Sold |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U4
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 741
Maryla Iwicka
$ 52.50
Have One |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern #
Anna Pasierbiewicz
$ 45.50
Have One |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 75
Barbara Fidelus
$ 38.50
Three |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 90
Barbara Fidelus
$ 38.50
Have Two |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 926
Maryla Iwicka
$ 38.50
Have Two |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 997
Zofia Supernak
$ 38.50
Have Two |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 1012
Teresa Andrukiewicz
$ 38.50
Have Two |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 1013
Danuta Knapik
$ 38.50
One |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern #
Barbara Makiela
$ 38.50
Have One |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern #
Anna Pasierbiewicz
$ 45.50
Have Two |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 1705
Krystyna Deptula
$ 38.50
Have One |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#510S - Signature - U3
Soap Dish
5.5"L x 4.52"W
Pattern # 1803
Teresa Nakonieczna
$ 38.50
Have One |
To Order
Merchandise on Our Website Please Phone Us Toll Free 866-884-3299 or 610-695-8151
Style 573 - Liquid Lotion /Soap Dispensers |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#573S - Signature - U3
Soap / Lotion Dispenser
6"H x 3"W
Pattern #
Barbara Fidelus
$ 54.50
Have Three |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#573S - Signature - U3
Soap / Lotion Dispenser
6"H x 3"W
Pattern # 1572
Anna Pasierbiewicz
$ 59.50
Sorry - Sold

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#573S - Signature - U3
Soap / Lotion Dispenser
6"H x 3"W
Pattern # 1573
Anna Pasierbiewicz
$ 59.50
Sorry - Sold OUT

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#573S - Signature - U3
Soap / Lotion Dispenser
6"H x 3"W
Pattern # 90
Barbara Fidelus
$ 54.50
One |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#573S - Signature - U3
Soap / Lotion Dispenser
6"H x 3"W
Pattern #
Maria Starzyk
$ 54.50
Have Two |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#573S - Signature - U3
Soap / Lotion Dispenser
6"H x 3"W
Pattern #
Teresa Andrukiewicz
$ 54.50
Have Two |

(Click on Picture to Enlarge)
#573E - Enhanced - U2
Soap / Lotion Dispenser
6"H x 3"W
Pattern # A62
$ 42.50
Have Two |
To Order
Merchandise on Our Website Please Phone Us Toll Free 866-884-3299 or 610-695-8151
Real People will answer 10 to 5 Eastern Time Tue to Sat or
order by fax

After Hours Please leave a
message, your name and a phone number and time when we can call you back |
Please Note: The Pictures
shown are a representation of the pattern designed by the artist. The
actual painter may vary
the pattern
and the style, shading may vary from piece to piece.
We can not take pictures of each and every item. Do not expect to
match prior
purchases. Sorry but we do not accept returns on the basis
that the patterns or colors do not match. |
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